#2527 deposit in wrong network

I made a mistake transferring USDC to binance network without changing the network.Please is there any way to get the money back?

Id tx : Polygon Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | PolygonScan

Transaction Hash:
PLZ need my 129USD coin

myemail: [email protected]

sorry for basic english

I only speak portuguese, spanish and german


as far i know you lost, i have same problem :c

@Reinaldo_Engert yo tambien hice un error similar, deposité USDT a la red Binance Smart Blockchain (BEP20) por ahora no tengo respuesta, el soporte de Polygon me da una respuesta automatizada por un Bot diciendo que debo contactar al exchange

Sí, exatamente igual aqui .

Support ? nbd ? suuuck